Local Pickup Information

We offer local pickup if you want to travel to or live near Raymond, New Hampshire.

The pickup location is my home not a storefront. Please be respectful of this. 

How it Works: When your order is ready for pickup you will receive an email stating it is ready. I will email whichever email you input at checkout, so make sure it’s correct! Once you receive this email you can proceed to picking up your order. It will be on the porch of the address listed in the email. Your order will be in a black box with a red lid labeled “local pickup”. 

Please only take YOUR order with your name on it. If I have issues with people stealing other people’s orders, I will have to stop allowing local pickup. Thank you. 

Keep an eye on your email. We have had issues in the past where I have had to chase folks down and this wastes a lot of my time and energy that I could be putting towards fulfilling other orders and creating more products. 

If your items are left in claimed for 7 or more days, it will be cancelled and refunded less a 30% restocking fee for my wasted time & packaging materials. 

If you believe you may have trouble picking up your order, we can instead ship it to you. Just send us an email and we can send you a listing for you to pay for the shipping fee. 

Thank you for your understanding and support of my business.